Michelle Bridges – 27 June 2019


What a treat to meet MICHELLE BRIDGES yesterday in Brisbane. Best known for her role on the Biggest Loser TV show. Michelle is also a fellow Author, business owner & Mum. Juggling is also one of her many talents, as it is mine.

This lady is so inspirational and what a journey she has had to get to where she is today. Lots of hard work and many bumps in the road. I totally related to her her story and learnt so much from her and the other speakers there.

It is great to hang out with like minded successful people, this all helps me to grow as a person, parent, friend, partner and most importantly to my customers – a better AGENT.

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Joanne Reilly

Joanne is results driven and extremely passionate about her career as a Real Estate professional working on the Sunshine Coast. A resident of Twin Waters herself, Joanne has no difficulty in selling the lifestyle and benefits of living in the area to potential home owners.